Saturday, August 2, 2008

Disc Golf and Camping

We played a round of disc golf with Burke and the dogs.  It was a great time but I fried my back and Laura decided that she would rescue Guapa (who does not ever need rescuing) and got stuck in the mud--very very deep mud.  She eventually got out but almost lost her shoe.  Guapa then returned from her romp with the bunnies and looked at Laura's disgusting legs and arms and led her to a nearby stream.

We also decided to try our luck camping and came to a couple of conclusions:  First--Laura will now navigate for our upcoming journeys as I managed to take the wrong path not once but twice forcing us to walk a total of about 3 extra miles; second, in the future we will stop with plenty of time before dark so we are not scrambling to gather firewood, set up a tent, get dogs fed, get us fed, etc (not that this happened to us, and if it did it certainly wasn't my fault!)


Kate, Ben and Archie said...

sounds fun, and hot-- I don't like being hot right now. Well, we were going to see an ABBA concert, but that didn't happen. It was a swedish cover group that tours with ABBA's costumes and moves, I hear it is pretty cool. Zach is gone. Bye bye Zach.

Zach Manker Rascal said...

I love the blog! This is my first time reading it, i will have to set one up! Everything looks great, I miss you guys and Colorado!

P.S. it is currently 39 degrees C. And it is cool for Muscat! It gets so hot here, they have a cooler for the pool, they can ONLY get it down to 31 degrees C!

But, don't worry, it is also humid and dusty; haha, but seriously, they have mastered Air Conditioning, so it isn't too bad.