Saturday, July 13, 2013

Cousins and Grammy

Maya and her cousins enjoyed a visit to the Critter Barn in Zeeland, MI with Grammy. This was one highlight, climbing on a fence overlooking some sheep. I think it was much more about climbing and not so much about the sheep.
 Another awesome Grammy experience was the Children's Museum of Grand Rapids. We got musical, built towers, cleaned construction sites, cooked, and played with bubbles. It was a great experience. It is especially fun to watch as the little ones learn from each other and experiment with new words, athletic moves and social interactions.
Annie and Maya practicing some gymnastics.

We really wanted a picture with all the grand kids and Grammy. This was the perfect set up--until everyone wanted to drive and play. As it turned out, I think it is the perfect representation of that moment. Owen climbing, Isaac prying himself loose, Archie probably trying to calm down Isaac, Maya stealing the steering wheel from Annie and Annie doing her best to get it back without actually hurting Maya. In the background Grammy fights the noble fight of trying to get her grand kids pic.

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